Chair yoga is all about making yoga accessible for everybody. The benefits of a yoga practise come from being able to focus on the poses and on your practise. With fear of falling or over balancing, or the experience of pain from kneeling on the floor for example, this becomes very difficult to achieve. The chair should be seen a s a friend and a welcome aid to provide a seat when needed, a steadying hand when needed or just something we know is available and nearby should we need it.

It is vitally important that as we age we keep the body moving as dynamically as possible in as full a range of movement as possible . This class will enable us to keep moving, stretching, balancing and strengthening the body whilst keeping our practise safe and accessible.
Classes will be friendly and relaxed and aimed at those who may find getting up and down from the floor a challenge.
Expect some time to find an inward focus and to connect with the body and the breath as well as to incorporate yoga poses to strengthen parts of the body that may have been neglected for a long time and to build on strength, flexibility and balance.

There are no chair classes running currently but if there is interest I will run one